Gemstone Discovery: Emerald

Posted by Edessa on May 15th 2017

Gemstone Discovery: Emerald

The allure & beauty behind emerald is desired by many, most notably Cleopatra. She had a passion and obsession for emeralds. The first known emerald mines were in Egypt. Another notable emerald lover was Elizabeth Taylor and her passion grew while filming Cleopatra. This beautiful green gem is also May's birthstone. We're going to take some time to discover some fun facts about emeralds. 

Emeralds are mined around the world and the first known mine was in Egypt (as mentioned above). Today, emeralds are mined in Zambia, Brazil, Zimbabwe, and most notably Colombia. This green gemstone is a variety of beryl and the most famous of the beryl family. Most emeralds have a lot of inclusions and flaws. It is a brittle gemstone and can scratch/chip easily. The hardness of emerald on the Mohs scale is 7.5 to 8; softer than a sapphire. Emerald comes from the ancient Greek word "smaragdus" which means green. The cut of the emerald is usually a step, trapezoid, or rectangular cut because of the natural gem shape and to enhance the green color. 

Emerald Jewelry

Some myths and beliefs behind emerald include: 

  • Changes color if a lover is unfaithful
  • Green color is known to relieve stress & eye strain
  • When placed under tongue, the person could foresee the future
  • Reveals truth & protected against evil spells
  • It was believed to cure diseases like cholera & malaria

Aside from the myths and beliefs of emeralds, it is the perfect gemstone for May because of all the beautiful spring green colors blooming. Emerald is also a gift you can give for the 20th or 35th wedding anniversaries.

Emerald Rings & Jewelry